Mrs.Scott lives in a glass house
Mrs.Umbrella lives in a straw house
Mr.Tinsley lives in a brick house
Mr.Wilshaw lives in the wood house
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Blog #11 Free Choice
So I'm not going to choose a topic. Instead I'm going to write whats been going on in my life lately. I'll easily get up to 150 words. I don't even know where to start to be honest. I have so much on my today it's unbelievable. Well I guess I'll just start with my life at home. I live with my grandma and her Husband Ron. It's nice and I like living there but my grandma doesn't understand that this is my last year of High School. So I'd like to have the must fun I can while I still have the time to do so. I have to do community service by December 2nd for getting in trouble a while back. They make me go everyday and tried making me go this past weekend too. I wasn't trying to go because I had gone the whole week and I wanted to Hang out with Some Friends. I didn't even Do anything that day because I went to a family dinner with them and my friends were busy during the day. So all that I want is just some free time to hangout. I mean I am grateful for everything that she has done and has given me but she needs to realize where I'm coming from.
Now the second thing I'm going to talk about is my girlfriend. Or ex girlfriend now I guess. It's a very long story but I have the time to tell it so why not. So I'm going to begin how we met and got everything started. Last year when I was living with my dad in lake Elsinore I had met Amy. Before she came I wasn't really talking to any girls because I was looking for that special one you could say. A bunch of girls were talking to me and trying to get with me but I wasn't interested in them. That all changed when Amy showed up. I still remember it all like it was yesterday. As soon as I walked into my 4th period I saw her sitting in my row all the way in the back. I instantly fell for her and knew she was the one. I'm not trying to sound corny or anything but this was how I was feeling. She was two seats behind me but those two seats nobody sat in. So I kept turning around and talking to her and I was just amazed how beautiful this girl was. She was the definition of perfect. And I'm not exaggerating when I say perfect. So after class I told my friend my plan and he had told me his. I told him good luck but I know she was about to be mine. So the next day I decided to sit in front of her and the teacher didn't say anything about it so I was just like cool I'm set. We kicked it off real good and everything. I was cracking jokes left to right making her laugh and smile. Another buddy of mine also was trying to get at her and she was in his first period. So it was almost like a competition and I honestly thought that I lost. He had a car and I didn't so there was some times where I thought something was going on and they were trying to be lowkey about it. Just thinking of it now gets me pissed off because I thought she was the one. But some stuff had happened with them and I don't know if they were true or not. My friend was telling me one and what they did and she was telling me another. But I had so much love for this girl that I didn't even care if it did or didn't happen. All that I wanted was for Her to be mine. So I was back on my game and this time I had her in the bag. She was telling me that I was the only dude she wanted and that she was doing all these things to make me jealous. I thought it was pretty stupid but I wasn't even sure. Like she was giving me signs but I was just a shy little dude at the time. But after all that I was on my game. I had her up on my lap everyday holding my hand and the whole deal. So she was going to Vegas for the weekend to see her mom because there was problems going on. That's where she came from so that's why she went over. But before she did I was thinking about asking her out and kissing her before she left so she knew I was serious about this whole thing. I just had a thought in he back of my head that She wouldn't come back. But I was like I'll just do all that when she comes back because its only for the weekend. Little did I know that would be the last day that I saw her. Man you don't know how upset I was. When she told me that on Monday going back on Tuesday I was just sad and pissed. Everyone thought I was going to fight somebody because I looked so angry. Then my dad picked me up 4th period and that's the period I had her in. As soon as I got in he asked what's wrong and then asked if it was girl problems. Out of nowhere I just broke down and started crying. I honestly never cry and this was the first time I cried over a girl. I started messing up after that and always ditching 4th period because I was just constantly thinking about her and I couldn't handle it. I can keep going but I'll just go to what recently happened.
I'm going to try and keep this one short but I'm just venting right now so I don't know when I'll stop. So earlier this morning she broke up with me and literally blocked me on everything. She was upset at me because on Saturday I guess I had fallen asleep on her and she was explaining a bunch of stuff that was going on and she thought that I didn't care about her. So I spent all day Sunday trying to fix the problem and talk to her about it to show her that I do care. So literally all day I was trying and finally later that night she forgave me and everything was cool with us. So I fell asleep pretty early that day like at 9:30 or 10. I woke up at like 12:30 and she was already on My mind so I texted her to tell her I love her. I just wanted to remind her how much she meant to me. Then out of nowhere she said that's bullshit and to go FaceTime my other girlfriend. I didn't even know where that came from. So I tried asking her what she was talking about but she literally blocked me on everything after that. I was honestly devastated. I thought that she was just out of my life forever. So I remembered about how they have texting apps so I decided to get one and text her on that. I just couldn't have her leave like that. It was like 3:30 in the morning when I sent the text because I could not sleep what so ever that night with all that on my mind. So later on at like 7:30 when I was getting ready and she texted back saying I hope you have a good day. So after that I was trying my hardest to see what was going on and how we can fix this. So we didn't talk like the whole day because she didn't reply at times but I'd just text her again and ask another question. I went to my counselor after school at like 3 and we just talk about whats been going on. So I brought her up and just the whole time I was there we were talking about her. So later on I went to my job to start my training and we were still talking because I was just filing out paperwork so I was able to still talk to her. But there was Like a time where I couldn't talk and an hour went and I hadn't texted her back so she probably assumed I was just ignoring her. So finally she unblocked my Number and we started texting again but not through the app. So I'm currently still trying to convince her That I do care for her and still want her. I could continue typing but then this paragraph would be longer then the last and the point was to keep this short.
Now the second thing I'm going to talk about is my girlfriend. Or ex girlfriend now I guess. It's a very long story but I have the time to tell it so why not. So I'm going to begin how we met and got everything started. Last year when I was living with my dad in lake Elsinore I had met Amy. Before she came I wasn't really talking to any girls because I was looking for that special one you could say. A bunch of girls were talking to me and trying to get with me but I wasn't interested in them. That all changed when Amy showed up. I still remember it all like it was yesterday. As soon as I walked into my 4th period I saw her sitting in my row all the way in the back. I instantly fell for her and knew she was the one. I'm not trying to sound corny or anything but this was how I was feeling. She was two seats behind me but those two seats nobody sat in. So I kept turning around and talking to her and I was just amazed how beautiful this girl was. She was the definition of perfect. And I'm not exaggerating when I say perfect. So after class I told my friend my plan and he had told me his. I told him good luck but I know she was about to be mine. So the next day I decided to sit in front of her and the teacher didn't say anything about it so I was just like cool I'm set. We kicked it off real good and everything. I was cracking jokes left to right making her laugh and smile. Another buddy of mine also was trying to get at her and she was in his first period. So it was almost like a competition and I honestly thought that I lost. He had a car and I didn't so there was some times where I thought something was going on and they were trying to be lowkey about it. Just thinking of it now gets me pissed off because I thought she was the one. But some stuff had happened with them and I don't know if they were true or not. My friend was telling me one and what they did and she was telling me another. But I had so much love for this girl that I didn't even care if it did or didn't happen. All that I wanted was for Her to be mine. So I was back on my game and this time I had her in the bag. She was telling me that I was the only dude she wanted and that she was doing all these things to make me jealous. I thought it was pretty stupid but I wasn't even sure. Like she was giving me signs but I was just a shy little dude at the time. But after all that I was on my game. I had her up on my lap everyday holding my hand and the whole deal. So she was going to Vegas for the weekend to see her mom because there was problems going on. That's where she came from so that's why she went over. But before she did I was thinking about asking her out and kissing her before she left so she knew I was serious about this whole thing. I just had a thought in he back of my head that She wouldn't come back. But I was like I'll just do all that when she comes back because its only for the weekend. Little did I know that would be the last day that I saw her. Man you don't know how upset I was. When she told me that on Monday going back on Tuesday I was just sad and pissed. Everyone thought I was going to fight somebody because I looked so angry. Then my dad picked me up 4th period and that's the period I had her in. As soon as I got in he asked what's wrong and then asked if it was girl problems. Out of nowhere I just broke down and started crying. I honestly never cry and this was the first time I cried over a girl. I started messing up after that and always ditching 4th period because I was just constantly thinking about her and I couldn't handle it. I can keep going but I'll just go to what recently happened.
I'm going to try and keep this one short but I'm just venting right now so I don't know when I'll stop. So earlier this morning she broke up with me and literally blocked me on everything. She was upset at me because on Saturday I guess I had fallen asleep on her and she was explaining a bunch of stuff that was going on and she thought that I didn't care about her. So I spent all day Sunday trying to fix the problem and talk to her about it to show her that I do care. So literally all day I was trying and finally later that night she forgave me and everything was cool with us. So I fell asleep pretty early that day like at 9:30 or 10. I woke up at like 12:30 and she was already on My mind so I texted her to tell her I love her. I just wanted to remind her how much she meant to me. Then out of nowhere she said that's bullshit and to go FaceTime my other girlfriend. I didn't even know where that came from. So I tried asking her what she was talking about but she literally blocked me on everything after that. I was honestly devastated. I thought that she was just out of my life forever. So I remembered about how they have texting apps so I decided to get one and text her on that. I just couldn't have her leave like that. It was like 3:30 in the morning when I sent the text because I could not sleep what so ever that night with all that on my mind. So later on at like 7:30 when I was getting ready and she texted back saying I hope you have a good day. So after that I was trying my hardest to see what was going on and how we can fix this. So we didn't talk like the whole day because she didn't reply at times but I'd just text her again and ask another question. I went to my counselor after school at like 3 and we just talk about whats been going on. So I brought her up and just the whole time I was there we were talking about her. So later on I went to my job to start my training and we were still talking because I was just filing out paperwork so I was able to still talk to her. But there was Like a time where I couldn't talk and an hour went and I hadn't texted her back so she probably assumed I was just ignoring her. So finally she unblocked my Number and we started texting again but not through the app. So I'm currently still trying to convince her That I do care for her and still want her. I could continue typing but then this paragraph would be longer then the last and the point was to keep this short.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
My Top 3 Hobbies
1. Talking on the Phone with my girlfriend
This should honestly be a hobby for everyone guy with a girlfriend. But this is my favorite hobby no matter what the time is during the day. Me and her can be on the phone all day. I never get tired of talking to her. I just tell her so many random stories that are off topic. Its kind of a habit for me to do that for some reason. I'll bring up one little thing and I'll have to tell a super
long story about it. As soon as I'm done I'll go right back to what we were talking about. The longest we've been on the phone was about 12 hours and yet that still didn't feel long. When we talk time just fly's by and It'll feel like an hour went by but It'll actually have been 5 hours that went by. We are currently in a long distance relationship to so I feel as if that's another reason to always call her. But even if she lived by me I'd still be calling her everyday.
2. Playing Football
This will always be a hobby of mine no matter how old I am. I wouldn't say this is a hobby but more of a lifestyle. Football has always been apart of my life but it didn't get big till I was 7 years old. That's when I began playing the sport and that's when I fell in love with it. No matter how bad my day went, as soon as I put on those pads and put my helmet on it was a new day. My mood never affected the way I played on the field. I feel when I was mad I only dominated more on the field. But no matter what I was a monster on the field. My favorite thing is when I would just knock someone on their back and stand over them so they knew who did it. The look they had in their eyes was also my favorite. It was the look of fear and that only made it worse for them. If they had that look only after one hit then they were about to have the worst day of their life because I'd let them know that wasn't just a one time thing. I'd be doing that every single play so its just on their mind the whole game and they couldn't be more afraid.
3. Hanging out with friends
This is a hobby of mine because it's always nice to just hang out with some friends and do whatever comes to mind. There is never a bad time to hang out with friends. If you are ever having a bad day you can just hang out with some of your buddies to get your mind off things and so they can cheer you up.
This should honestly be a hobby for everyone guy with a girlfriend. But this is my favorite hobby no matter what the time is during the day. Me and her can be on the phone all day. I never get tired of talking to her. I just tell her so many random stories that are off topic. Its kind of a habit for me to do that for some reason. I'll bring up one little thing and I'll have to tell a super
long story about it. As soon as I'm done I'll go right back to what we were talking about. The longest we've been on the phone was about 12 hours and yet that still didn't feel long. When we talk time just fly's by and It'll feel like an hour went by but It'll actually have been 5 hours that went by. We are currently in a long distance relationship to so I feel as if that's another reason to always call her. But even if she lived by me I'd still be calling her everyday.
2. Playing Football
This will always be a hobby of mine no matter how old I am. I wouldn't say this is a hobby but more of a lifestyle. Football has always been apart of my life but it didn't get big till I was 7 years old. That's when I began playing the sport and that's when I fell in love with it. No matter how bad my day went, as soon as I put on those pads and put my helmet on it was a new day. My mood never affected the way I played on the field. I feel when I was mad I only dominated more on the field. But no matter what I was a monster on the field. My favorite thing is when I would just knock someone on their back and stand over them so they knew who did it. The look they had in their eyes was also my favorite. It was the look of fear and that only made it worse for them. If they had that look only after one hit then they were about to have the worst day of their life because I'd let them know that wasn't just a one time thing. I'd be doing that every single play so its just on their mind the whole game and they couldn't be more afraid.
3. Hanging out with friends
This is a hobby of mine because it's always nice to just hang out with some friends and do whatever comes to mind. There is never a bad time to hang out with friends. If you are ever having a bad day you can just hang out with some of your buddies to get your mind off things and so they can cheer you up.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Being Charatitable
St.Jude is a charity that is finding cures for children. They are helping children defeat cancer and other diseases. They have a program that no patient will receive a bill for treatment. They do not want the family to worry about how they are going to treat their child. So what they do is have donations on the website so if people want to donate to help out the child they can.
This charity is important to me because no child should half to go through that process. Especially at such an early age. They should be having the life of a child and not wondering whether they will be alive next year or not.Who knows what these kids are capable of? Many of them could change the future forever. We don't know if we don't give them the chance. Many of these children are very intelligent.
This charity is meaningful to me because it gives those kids that opportunity to know what being a kid feels like and always having a smile on they're face. They have a chance to actually become something in this world. It doesn't matter what they become. All that matters is that they're alive and they now have a chance in life.;_ylt=AwrTcd0DQBVWRmkAalMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE4dmhqbHQzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUk0MV8xBHNlYwNvdi10b3A-;_ylc=X3IDMgRydAMx?p=charities
This charity is meaningful to me because it gives those kids that opportunity to know what being a kid feels like and always having a smile on they're face. They have a chance to actually become something in this world. It doesn't matter what they become. All that matters is that they're alive and they now have a chance in life.;_ylt=AwrTcd0DQBVWRmkAalMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE4dmhqbHQzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUk0MV8xBHNlYwNvdi10b3A-;_ylc=X3IDMgRydAMx?p=charities
Friday, October 2, 2015
how many handshakes?
1. There will be 90 handshakes because if there is 10 people in the class each person will have to shake 9 other hands. So since there is 10 people its basically 9 x 10
2. there will be 100 handshakes once you add a person
3. There would be 380 handshakes with 20 people
2. there will be 100 handshakes once you add a person
3. There would be 380 handshakes with 20 people
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The game was fun because once it starts going faster you'll try your hardest to type as fast as possible
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
My Favorite Hobby
My favorite hobby I would have to say is football. I love everything about it. Its the best feeling when your out on the field and everybody is watching you. I've loved it since I was 7 and I'll love it till the day I die. It kind of lets out some anger if you have any built up. You can take it out on everyone on that field. What I love the most is when I flat back someone and just stand over then to let them know who did it. Doing that and seeing the pain or fear in their eyes. I would just love it because they would know what their about to go through the whole game. Another thing that I loved is every time I made a play my whole team would yell mooooose! Moose was a nickname my coach had given be because I was so big and I'd always know people and their back. Another reason he had given me that nickname was because I was always on my feet. Nobody has ever knocked me down or put me on my back in all the years Ive been playing football. Not only do I love playing the sport but I love to watch it as well. My favorite team is the San Fransisco 49er's. I'm a die hard fan no matter if their record is positive or negative. A player that inspires me was our Linebacker Patrick Willis. My number has always been 52. He and Ray Lewis made me love the game so much more. Seeing them out on the field and how great middle linebackers they had been. Ray Lewis knew nothing but football when it came to defense. Teams would be afraid to run up the middle because they knew was was waiting for them just a few yards away. He had been playing the sport 16 years plus. So I was barely a baby when he first started playing and to see him still out there and still doing the things he did would just amaze me. The other thing I loved about them is they knew how to put the hit stick on other players. I'm a guy who loves to hit hard. The player I look up to now is Navarro Bowman. He's been in the league a couple years but his time is only beginning. He came back from a knee injury this year that he had suffered in the Seattle playoff game 2 years ago. But now that he's back I'm going to see how much of a monster he is on the field. He is now taking the role of Patrick Willis and has become the leader of the defense. That is why football is my favorite hobby.

Friday, September 25, 2015
Bucket List
1. Travel the World- I'd Like to do this because it has always been a dream of mine and I will do it no matter what
2. Go on a cruise- I'd like to do this because it would be so relaxing to just go on a cruise for 2 weeks
3. Make It big in the filming Industry- I'd like to do this because I would like name to be known even after my generation
4. Produce Music - I'd like to do this because I love music to death and I would love it even more because I would be making something that I love and that other people will love
5. Marry my first love/ have a boy and a girl- who wouldn't want to do this and I would like to tell my children all about it when they grow up
2. Go on a cruise- I'd like to do this because it would be so relaxing to just go on a cruise for 2 weeks
3. Make It big in the filming Industry- I'd like to do this because I would like name to be known even after my generation
4. Produce Music - I'd like to do this because I love music to death and I would love it even more because I would be making something that I love and that other people will love
5. Marry my first love/ have a boy and a girl- who wouldn't want to do this and I would like to tell my children all about it when they grow up
Monday, September 14, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
About Me
Let me tell you some things about myself. I was born in Newport Beach on February 18 1998. I was living in Santa Ana all the way up to 5th grade. I then moved to Irvine and stayed there all the way up to freshman year. It was a hard time when i moved to Lake Elsinore because i had all my friends I grew up with in Irvine and I was about to starting on Varsity Football my Sophomore year. My team was pretty upset to because I was a big Part of the offense and defense. So my Sophomore year I had been going to Temescal Canyon High School in Lake Elsinore. I had done football there as well and I did good there too but I did not like it at all. The only people I hung out with were my cousin and one other friend. I didn't get finish my Sophomore year there though because I was just really having a hard time and I wasn't doing to well at school. So I moved back to Irvine and attended Creekside High School because I was behind in credits. I finished my sophomore year there and I had thought I'd be going back there Junior year for half a Semester then I would transfer back to my original high school. But my mom got a job offer in Seattle and I had to move back with my dad in Lake Elsinore. I really did not want to do that because I did not like it at all. But throughout the year I made a lot of good friends and I had actually started to like it there. But during the end of the year me and my dad got into pretty bad and there was going to be a lot of problems. So my grandma offered me to come live with her in Newport Coast which is where I'm currently living. I am now in Back Bay High School and I do not know anybody at all at this school. But as long as I have my music it wont be bad.
So now Let me tell you some of my Hobbies that I enjoy. I really enjoy football if you couldn't already tell from my first paragraph. I love it with all my heart and I was crushed when I couldn't play my last year of high school. But now instead of football I am constantly at the gym which is another hobby of mine. Its an obsession that I have because I am trying to get huge and ripped so I can be ready when I go to college and I walk on to try out. I want to show all those who doubted me and said I would amount to nothing that they were wrong about me and be a monster on the field. Another hobby of mine is listening to music. Music will always be there for me and will never judge me. Music is a drug I'll always be addicted too. So I get pretty pissed off when a teacher doesn't allow music in the class. Its pretty stupid because it helps me concentrate and If I don't have them in I feel distracted by everything around me.
Now I'm going to be telling you about my family background. My mom was born in Mexico and my dad was born in Texas. My mom is fully Mexican and my dad is half. So I'm 75 percent Mexican and only a quarter white. But everybody thinks I'm white because I don't look Mexican and I am pale. That reason is because my mom is light skinned and my dad looks white so that has made me look white and not Mexican at all. So being Mexican that's obviously my favorite food. I love everything about it. My second favorite food is Italian. I love pasta so much that I wish I was half Mexican and half Italian because growing up I would have eaten so much amazing food! So that's about all their is to me. Have a nice day.
Now I'm going to be telling you about my family background. My mom was born in Mexico and my dad was born in Texas. My mom is fully Mexican and my dad is half. So I'm 75 percent Mexican and only a quarter white. But everybody thinks I'm white because I don't look Mexican and I am pale. That reason is because my mom is light skinned and my dad looks white so that has made me look white and not Mexican at all. So being Mexican that's obviously my favorite food. I love everything about it. My second favorite food is Italian. I love pasta so much that I wish I was half Mexican and half Italian because growing up I would have eaten so much amazing food! So that's about all their is to me. Have a nice day.
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