My favorite hobby I would have to say is football. I love everything about it. Its the best feeling when your out on the field and everybody is watching you. I've loved it since I was 7 and I'll love it till the day I die. It kind of lets out some anger if you have any built up. You can take it out on everyone on that field. What I love the most is when I flat back someone and just stand over then to let them know who did it. Doing that and seeing the pain or fear in their eyes. I would just love it because they would know what their about to go through the whole game. Another thing that I loved is every time I made a play my whole team would yell mooooose! Moose was a nickname my coach had given be because I was so big and I'd always know people and their back. Another reason he had given me that nickname was because I was always on my feet. Nobody has ever knocked me down or put me on my back in all the years Ive been playing football. Not only do I love playing the sport but I love to watch it as well. My favorite team is the San Fransisco 49er's. I'm a die hard fan no matter if their record is positive or negative. A player that inspires me was our Linebacker Patrick Willis. My number has always been 52. He and Ray Lewis made me love the game so much more. Seeing them out on the field and how great middle linebackers they had been. Ray Lewis knew nothing but football when it came to defense. Teams would be afraid to run up the middle because they knew was was waiting for them just a few yards away. He had been playing the sport 16 years plus. So I was barely a baby when he first started playing and to see him still out there and still doing the things he did would just amaze me. The other thing I loved about them is they knew how to put the hit stick on other players. I'm a guy who loves to hit hard. The player I look up to now is Navarro Bowman. He's been in the league a couple years but his time is only beginning. He came back from a knee injury this year that he had suffered in the Seattle playoff game 2 years ago. But now that he's back I'm going to see how much of a monster he is on the field. He is now taking the role of Patrick Willis and has become the leader of the defense. That is why football is my favorite hobby.

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