Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My Top 3 Hobbies

1. Talking on the Phone with my girlfriend
This should honestly be a hobby for everyone guy with a girlfriend. But this is my favorite hobby no matter what the time is during the day. Me and her can be on the phone all day. I never get tired of talking to her. I just tell her so many random stories that are off topic. Its kind of a habit for me to do that for some reason. I'll bring up one little thing and I'll have to tell a super
long story about it. As soon as I'm done I'll go right back to what we were talking about. The longest we've been on the phone was about 12 hours and yet that still didn't feel long. When we talk time just fly's by and It'll feel like an hour went by but It'll actually have been 5 hours that went by. We are currently in a long distance relationship to so I feel as if that's another reason to always call her. But even if she lived by me I'd still be calling her everyday.

2.  Playing Football
This will always be a hobby of mine no matter how old I am. I wouldn't say this is a hobby but more of a lifestyle. Football has always been apart of my life but it didn't get big till I was 7 years old. That's when I began playing the sport and that's when I fell in love with it. No matter how bad my day went, as soon as I put on those pads and put my helmet on it was a new day. My mood never affected the way I played on the field. I feel when I was mad I only dominated more on the field. But no matter what I was a monster on the field. My favorite thing is when I would just knock someone on their back and stand over them so they knew who did it. The look they had in their eyes was also my favorite. It was the look of fear and that only made it worse for them. If they had that look only after one hit then they were about to have the worst day of their life because I'd let them know that wasn't just a one time thing. I'd be doing that every single play so its just on their mind the whole game and they couldn't be more afraid.

3. Hanging out with friends
This is a hobby of mine because it's always nice to just hang out with some friends and do whatever comes to mind. There is never a bad time to hang out with friends. If you are ever having a bad day you can  just hang out with some of your buddies to get your mind off things and so they can cheer you up.

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